Race report: London Marathon 2023

London Marathon, what a day! Almost 70 VPH&THAC runners conquered the iconic course and battled through the bad weather whilst being cheered by fellow club members continuously dotted along the course. Congratulations to all those who finished the race and make sure you enjoy that well deserved rest and post race treat!

  • First VPH&THAC runner home was Thomas Holliday, 68th overall, with a time of 02:27:20.
  • First lady home was Lydia Briggs in 03:00:55.
  • Katrin Flikschuh was 4th in the V60 category, with a time of 03:14:33.
  • Steve Hobbs was 3rd in the V50 category, with a time of 02:34:38.
  • June Barrow-Green completing her 22nd London marathon in 04:05:19.

We hosted a marathon party at the clubhouse in Victoria Park on Sunday evening to exchange stories and celebrate the achievements of all our spring marathon runners, at London and further afield. Thank you to Gigi Giannella for taking the portrait photos with the runners and their medals.